Let Science Help You Get Your Blinds Cleaned

Getting the right blinds for your windows puts the final touches to your home, whether it be an apartment, a duplex, a semi-detached or a free-standing property. They provide privacy, climate control and, of course, style and they are usually a reflection of the decorating taste of the occupants. There is a wide range of types available from Holland blinds to Venetians, Roman blinds, verticals and others in fabric, timber, plastic and aluminium.

Dust Soon Settles on New Blinds

Like everything else in a home, they look great when they are new, but it only takes a few weeks for the first layers of dust to settle. Depending on the type of material, running a vacuum cleaner over them every week keeps them looking new for a while, but after a couple of years, unless a more intensive cleaning regime is followed, they begin to look shabby and dirty.

Blinds are expensive to replace, so at Blind Concepts we offer a cleaning service that rejuvenates and refreshes your blinds, so they look as good as new. We use a process called the ultrasonic cleaning method, which gently removes ingrained dirt and grime, especially from hard to reach places. We pick up your blinds, take them to our workshop, put them through this process and return them to your home within 24 hours.

The Science of Ultrasonic Cleaning

So, what is ultrasonic cleaning and why does it work so well? There is some solid science behind the process, starting with high frequency sound waves. These sound waves are generated by electrical wave generators and transducers transmitted in a liquid solution of water or solvent base. This causes the cavitation of the solution molecules.

Cavitation? Please Explain

What is cavitation? Put simply, it is implosion of each molecule as the high frequency pressure wave moves through the solution. The movement caused by this very high frequency over a small area creates a lot of surface agitation or micro-scrubbing.

Micro-scrubbing is not really Scrubbing

What this micro-scrubbing does for grime-coated blinds is that it lifts this grime in a very uniform fashion from every surface affected by the high frequency sound waves. It actually “floats” the dirt and grime particles out of every nook and cranny, leaving your blinds fresh, clean and sanitised, without any harsh scrubbing that could damage the surfaces.

Taking Care of the Environment

We are proud of the results we get from what is an environmentally responsible process. Ultrasonic cleaning uses little water, minimal chemicals and a small amount of bio-degradable detergent. It is a practical and efficient way of cleaning large areas of blinds without wasting water or flushing damaging chemicals into our river systems.