Plenty of Choices Available in Window Dressings

Simplicity continues to be the preferred interior design theme for both new builds and renovations. The emphasis is on a few large furniture pieces supported by small accent features to add colour and interest. This approach allows for plenty of options to update window dressings.

What to Choose – Blinds or Curtains?

This raises the issue of whether to use window blinds or curtains or perhaps even both. For some owners, it is simply a matter of personal taste, but for others, it offers the opportunity to use the positive aspects of both options to increase the comfort of the occupier.

Colour, Style and Comfort with Curtains

Modern curtains are a far cry from the dull, heavy dust-collectors of old. The choice of fabrics and colours is endless, and the lightweight options float with elegance on the breezes they allow through an open window. There are also fabrics available that reduce external noise and insulate the rooms against both heat and cold.

Blinds for the Budget Conscious

Today’s blinds are a quick and easy solution to light and privacy issues for any building. With respect to light control, blinds offer the option of covering all of the window at one time, or just a part of the window, depending on how they operate. They are often cheaper to install than curtains, are easy to maintain and are available in a wide range of styles and materials.

We are very familiar with the benefits and versatility of window blinds. Our company, Blind Concepts, will clean and repair your blinds and, if required, replace broken slats and other components. We take your blinds to our workshop, run them through our ultrasonic cleaning process and return them to you, ready to hang, within 24 hours.

Blinds Come in a Range of Styles

We notice, in the course of our work, that Venetian blinds in aluminium, timber or plastic are still popular and fit in well with modern décor. Roller blinds are the perfect, low-cost solution for utility rooms such as the kitchen, laundry and bathroom whilst Holland and Roman blinds add a touch of elegance to the formal areas of a dwelling.

Why Choose? Just Use Both

If you are in the process of installing new window treatments, you may like to consider using both blinds and curtains. Either option looks great alone but if you put them together you get double the wow factor. When paired together, you will have more options for light control and privacy. There is also more flexibility in styling. For example, to make a small window look bigger, fit the blind to the window size and extend the curtain on either side.

The final decision is up to the property owner, but either way, the windows will look great.

Give Your Blinds A Second Chance

Is it time for a redecorating project for your dwelling? Perhaps it’s an entire refit of the whole property or just a couple of rooms, but if you’ve been planning it for some time and investing your hard-earned savings, you will want the finished product to look spectacular. To achieve the best result, you should be careful about skimping on your window coverings.

New Blinds Lift a Room

Old, shabby and discoloured blinds will make any room look tired regardless of how bright, new and fashionable are other furnishings and accessories. Discarding them for new ones is one option that many people take, while at the same time looking for responsible ways to dispose of their old blinds.

Some Blinds can be Recycled

Depending on what materials the blinds are made from, they can be recycled. Pure untreated timber, pure plastic or metal such as aluminium are all suitable candidates for recycling. Check your local area for a recycler who accepts these items, making sure to remove the slats first as most recyclers will not accept the cords or rails.

Charities Accept Blinds in Good Condition

If the blinds are still in reasonable condition, but you just want a new look to go with the new décor, charities such as the Salvation Army will accept them as a donation. Just remember that the blinds need to be suitable to resell in their shops. Otherwise, the charities must spend funds meant to help others on disposing of things that should have gone straight to the dump.

Here at Blind Concepts, we have another solution that may have you rethinking your original decision. What if you could restore your old blinds so that they look new again? Our ultrasonic cleaning process removes dirt, stains, grease, bacteria and grime, and uses minimal quantities of chemicals and water. We also repair damaged blinds or replace single or multiple slats in different colours to give your blinds a thorough makeover.

Watch Out for Budget Overruns

Redecorating as we all know can be one of those projects that, if not closely managed, can quickly overrun a budget. It could be an unexpected price rise on a critical item or a sudden change of mind that adds dollars to the bottom line. The finished project may look fantastic but if the cost causes financial stress for months to come, it is worth looking at every option to cut costs.

We can help with your budget planning too. Contact us with all the details of your blinds. We will find the perfect solution and give you a free quote.

Too Scared of Ruining Your Blinds to Clean Them?

Householders who take pride in their homes know that getting the right window treatments for each room is the final touch in creating a comfortable space that welcomes them home each day. A regular cleaning regime is also part of this feeling of comfort, and while blinds don’t need cleaning every day, they should be on the cleaning schedule of every well-kept dwelling.

Cleaning Methods for Different Blinds

Window blinds are also expensive, so no householder wants to damage theirs during cleaning. Using different types of cleaning methods for diverse styles of blinds is one way to avoid accidental damage, especially if you are cleaning them on the window.

Cleaning Venetians with Care

Aluminium and plastic venetians, for example, can be safely cleaned using warm water, a soft cloth and an all-purpose household cleaner. Taking the time to clean each slat individually will give the best results, with no patches of dust or grime left behind. A gentle touch is best to avoid damage, and when one side is cleaned, flip the blind to the other side and repeat.

Go Easy on the Water

Wooden venetians need a little more care, as using too much water as part of the cleaning process may cause the slats to warp. The first step is to tightly close the blinds, leaving no gaps and gently wipe over with a microfibre cloth to remove any traces of dust, then repeating the process on the other side. This may be all that is needed, but if not, wipe with a slightly wet sponge for a final clean.

We understand how important clean windows and blinds are to house-proud people. Keeping your blinds in excellent condition is what we do at Blind Concepts. We use ultrasonic cleaning methods to get your blinds spotless and because our process uses very little water and chemicals, it is also environmentally friendly.

Too Scared to Clean Your Roller Blinds?

Many householders are afraid to tackle roller blinds, especially plastic ones, in case they use too much force and tear them from the roller. Have no fear.

  1. Place a mild cleaner, even dishwashing liquid, in warm water and using a sponge, start at the bottom of the fully extended blind.
  2. Wipe across gently, gradually moving upward until the entire blind has been cleaned.
  3. Do both sides and leave them open to dry.

However, if you don’t have the time or energy for any of this, remember we are blind cleaning specialists. We will take your blinds back to our workshop, clean them and have them back to you in no time. Give us a call for a free quote.

Quality Repairs To Window Blinds Give Them A Second Life

tools on the floor

Property owners generally spend a lot of money on their window blinds, and although the quality can range from excellent to average, depending on the brand and the price, there are always situations where problems arise with the way the blinds operate. These problems may not present themselves for some years, and some happen with annoying frequency.

Blinds Will Eventually Need Repairs and Maintenance

The problems also vary depending on the style of the blinds, especially those that are popular with the general public. Venetian blinds made from timber, plastic, aluminium, wood-composite and other materials are still in demand, along with verticals, Roman, Holland, Oriental and other blinds. While all these styles will wear well for a time, eventually they will need repairs and maintenance.

Here at Blind Concepts, we specialise in the cleaning, repair and replacement of old and damaged interior blinds. Many of the problems that owners have with their blinds can be repaired, and our ultrasonic cleaning process can also restore them to their original condition, saving our clients the cost of new installations.

Cords and Tapes on Venetian Blinds can be replaced

Venetian blinds have a couple of recurring problems that need solutions. The tilt and turn wand and other mechanical parts can become damaged through constant use and the slats can break or warp. If the cords break or the tapes become shabby, replacement kits are available.

The kits contain full instructions on how to remove and replace the cords or tapes. It is also the perfect opportunity to remove and replace broken or damaged slats.

Problems with Verticals either Simple or Complex – No In-between

Problems with vertical blinds are often simple issues such as the blades getting stuck backwards or becoming crooked; these are easily fixed by checking each blade individually and adjusting where necessary.

Another simple fix is replacing the bottom link chains, which are easily damaged. However, sometimes the problems are more complex. Verticals have many parts, some of them quite small, so more difficult repairs are best left to experts.

Clumsy Repair Attempts on Roman Blinds Can Cause Further Damage

Over time, Roman blinds may wear at the pull cord, and the plastic ring used to manipulate the blinds will break. The repair requires the blind to be removed from the window and laid, fully extended, on a flat surface.

The broken cords or rings are then removed and replaced. While this seems simple enough, again, this is a job for someone experienced as it is very easy to damage the blind further while attempting the repair.

These are just some examples of problems with blinds and suggested solutions. If you have any of these issues with your blinds and you don’t want to try the solutions yourself, contact our team of repair and replacement experts.

Refurbishing Window Blinds Supports Sustainability

Our planet is having a rough time lately. There are fires in the Amazon, melting ice sheets are raising ocean levels, receding glaciers may deprive millions of people of reliable sources of fresh water and extreme weather events are becoming regular rather than rare occurrences.

Think Globally, Act Locally

As if that isn’t enough, even the deepest parts of the ocean now contain human-generated rubbish and plastic has recently been found in the formerly pristine Arctic. Ocean currents have consolidated our waste into large, moving islands of rubbish. As individuals, we must do more so we can reduce this waste.

Making a concerted effort to repurpose things instead of buying new all the time is a positive step we can all take. At Blind Concepts, we provide a service to our clients that allows them to do just that with their window blinds. We specialise in repairing damaged blinds and restoring them to their original condition.

Both the Common and the Unusual can be Repaired

Vertical blinds, Romans, timber, Holland blinds, oriental, aluminium and wood composite blinds can all be repaired. Blind slats, slat hangers, cords, wands and bottom chains are the most common parts of window blinds that need repair or replacement. Other repairs that are more unusual can also be done once we have assessed the item and the type of damage.

Magic Happens in our Workshop

Imagine how good your windows would look if your favourite blinds still looked like they did when they were first installed. This is the result you will get if you decide to use our services. Our repair team will pick the blinds up from your premises and take them to our workshop where they work their magic, then return them to you ready to hang.

Waste Not – Want Not

Think about all the different materials that go into making a set of blinds. Much of these materials are not directly affected by any damage or wear, so it does seem a wasteful indulgence to toss them out. There are metres of slats, chains and cords in venetian and vertical blinds, and metres of fabric in other different styles. Casting these materials aside to decay in landfill over months or even years does nothing to support sustainability.

Windows Like New While Helping the Planet

Buying new blinds is expensive and when the old blinds are thrown away, they usually end up in land fill, contributing to the waste of our depleting natural resources. Our effective blind repairs save money, and leave our clients with a positive experience, knowing that they have helped the planet while updating their windows with blinds that look like new.

Repurpose Your Blinds To Extend Their Usefulness

Re-purposing Blinds - Blind Concepts

Window blinds are essential to provide privacy, protect floor coverings and furnishings from harsh sunlight, and to allow the occupants to either invite in or block out the weather and the neighbours. The more windows there are to cover, the bigger the financial investment required to cover them, so when blinds start to look shabby, replacing them with new ones is often not an option.

Update, relocate or recycle

Depending on what style of blinds you have on your windows, if you are in this situation, you may be interested in how blinds can be recycled. Perhaps you want to update the look of some blinds so that they can be moved to a different room, and you may be able to refurbish some to stay where they are. There may even be a few blinds that are beyond redemption and rather than toss them into landfill, they could be recycled in a different way.

Whatever the need, here at Blind Concepts we offer a service that can address most of the issues our clients have with their blinds. We can clean, repair and replace a range of different types of blinds and our service even extends to creating new styles and colours for some types of blinds. We offer a same day service although more complex repairs may take longer.

Replace broken slats with different colours for a little pizazz

Do you have stained timber blinds in good condition except for a few slats here and there that are broken? The broken slats can be replaced but instead of opting for the same timber stain, add some pizazz by using different colours. Now the blinds have a feature point that draws the eye, complements the accessories in the room and invites comment.

Bland verticals can become interesting

Even though vertical blinds are not as popular as they used to be, that is no reason to throw them out if they are still serviceable. Again, by replacing several vertical drops in contrasting colours at strategic intervals, your bland verticals will be a study in recycling.

Lateral thinking, the key to recycling

The ultimate recycling challenge will come when your blinds are beyond saving. If you are disposing of slat blinds, take them apart and look for alternative uses for the cords and slats. Even if they end up as stakes and ties for your garden plants, they are still serving a purpose. Roller blinds can be dismantled, creating lengths of vinyl which can be used for shelf liners.

There is usually an alternative use for blind materials if you think laterally. That is what we do when we are called in by a client to look at their blinds to see what can be done to either clean or repair them.

Choosing Window Treatments Need Not Be Difficult

home interior with awesome blinds

Whether you are renovating an existing dwelling or furnishing a new home from scratch, your window treatments will have a major impact on the appearance and ambiance of every room. As well as how they look, your blinds and curtains protect your privacy and allow you to control both light and air. Getting the right mix can mean the difference between a drab dark living space and one that is inviting and changes with the climate.

The Best of Blinds

If you cannot decide between blinds or curtains, you may be pleased to know that you can have both in your home, depending on what you are trying to achieve. Blinds, for example, come in different styles and materials, don’t fade, are great for small rooms because they fit into the window recess and they are superb at controlling the light.

Curtains can be Cool

Curtains also have their good points. They are available in all kinds of styles, colours and fabrics, they can completely block out the light if need be, are generally machine-washable for easy cleaning and create visual interest as they respond to the movement of air. Just think about the calming effect a light, wispy curtain has on the psyche as it moves in the breeze.

Blinds are our specialty because here at Blind Concepts, we clean and repair window blinds, using our ultrasonic cleaning technology. This method gets into the nooks and crannies of all types of blinds, lifting out dust, dirt and grime and returning your blinds to you ready to hang. Our repair services include replacing broken slats and slat hangers, and replacing cords, chains and wands.

What Type of Room Is It?

The best advice we can give to the householder trying to choose the right window treatment is to consider things such as the room’s purpose, its aspect and of course, the budget allowed. For example, blinds are perfect for hard-working areas like the kitchen and bathroom, but if you have bedroom windows facing west, block-out curtains might be necessary in summer to keep out the heat.

The Best of Both Worlds – Why Not?

There is no reason why you cannot have both, of course. In formal areas, Venetian blinds that allow you to control light and air flow partnered with a stylish set of floor length curtains will add elegance and style to your lounge room. Choose curtains without pull cords for added safety in homes with young children or pets.

Whatever you choose, remember that you do not have to sacrifice privacy when choosing either blinds or curtains, or both. Take the time to research all the options and you really can have the best of both worlds.