The Choices We Make Now Will Shape The Future

As a society, we are all struggling with the choices we make as consumers and the way those choices impact on the environment. We know that our natural resources are being depleted and we are looking for sustainable alternatives to reduce our carbon footprint. From small beginnings, sustainability has grown to become an important contribution to countering the effects of climate change.

Lots of Choices Available in Sustainable Products

Choosing sustainable products is becoming easier as more and more alternatives become available. For example, window coverings are an area where eco-friendly materials are now offered as a viable alternative to traditional materials. Blinds and curtains protect structures from the elements, reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. When these blinds and curtains are made from eco-friendly materials, the environment wins twice.

Our Process Reduces Waste

At Blind Concepts, our business is based on getting the most out of your window coverings by cleaning and repairing them, so they look like new. Blinds that have been through our process look so good that any thought of throwing them out and buying new ones disappears. We have an excellent record of preventing unnecessary waste, and our cleaning process uses very little water or detergents.

Eco-friendly Materials Look Great on Windows

There are several materials now being used by manufacturers that are kind to the environment and look sensational on your windows. Hemp, recycled paper, bamboo, timber from sustainable plantations and natural fibres such as organic cotton are all being used to make blinds.

Roller Blinds a Perfect Choice for Sustainable Fabrics

The uncomplicated design of roller blinds is a perfect example of how a fabric made from hemp or bamboo or even recycled paper can be made into a product that would grace any window. With the advanced manufacturing techniques now available, such fabrics are indistinguishable from traditional types.

Ancient Bamboo Still in Favour

Bamboo blinds have been traced back to Ancient Eastern cultures, with these early peoples using whatever natural resources were available to them, in the absence of an organised manufacturing industry. Bamboo is still being used today to make blinds, although these most likely are finished with a level of precision and quality that would not have been available to the ancients.

Ultra-Cleaning Process Gentle on Eco-friendly Materials

Our repair and cleaning process is already being used with great success on timber blinds. Because ultra-sonic cleaning uses little water, with most of the work being done by high frequency sound waves, it is proof that eco-friendly blind materials can withstand cleaning. This is an important point to make when marketing these materials, as people may think that eco-friendly means fragile.

Next time you are shopping for blinds, ask about eco-friendly materials and do the environment a huge favour.