Whether you are maintaining your own home, office, or perhaps that of an investment property it is usually in your best interests to ensure it is done often and correctly.
Proper care and maintenance of any property will return to you tenfold in the value the property holds. In other words, if you take proper care of your home, office, or investment and make appropriate repairs when necessary, your property will not only hold its value and good looks but continue to grow in worth.
Some maintenance and repairs can be quite large jobs and be very costly.
What can often happen is a simple, inexpensive thing like a busted blind, clip, or slat may be overlooked as it is too fiddly. Some people are even unaware that a blind can be inexpensively repaired. If this is the case it may get left broken as they do not wish to invest in a new window covering.
Fast and Simple Blind Care and Repair
You may not realize that blinds, all types of blinds, in fact, can be repaired at a fraction of the cost of a total replacement. Affordable Brisbane blinds installation and repair can be achieved quickly, inexpensively, and with a minimum of disruption with Blind Concepts.
Broken slats, cords, chains, valance clips and corners, tilt mechanisms, brackets, wands, tassels, and condensers can all be replaced instead of buying a whole new blind.
The range of blinds Blind Concepts is able to repair
• Vertical blinds
• Holland blinds
• Roman blinds
• Timber blinds
• Woodweave blinds
• Oriental, plain, or exposed batten
• Venetian Aluminium blinds
• Venetian Wood composite
• Venetian 50mm poly-resin (timber look finish)
• Venetian Cedar (lacquered or oiled)
Value for Money and the Environment
Maintenance of your property does not have to take a long time or cost an arm and a leg. In this day and age, we all understand the real value of money and wasting it.
This is why it can be an exercise in savings to have a broken clip, slat, or cord repaired or replaced rather than invest in a whole new blind.
The other great contribution you make when you choose to have a blind repaired is that you are reducing the amount of landfill waste, thus reducing your carbon footprint.
Visit us at http://blindconcepts.net.au to see our great range.