Is a Do-It-Yourself Repair the Best Solution for your Blinds?

Rising living costs have many householders looking for cost savings, and those with the skills and knowhow, are turning to DIY home maintenance more readily than ever before. Many tasks around the home are not difficult and don’t necessarily require a trade qualification. The exception is electrical repairs, which should always be done by an electrician.

Common Issues With Blinds

Window blinds are a typical item that wear and require attention to keep them looking and functioning at their best.

The typical issues with Venetian Blinds are broken slats. With vertical blinds, they can become jammed and cannot slide. In roller blinds, the common issue is when they no longer roll up straight.

There are many other things that can go wrong, depending on the style of the blind.

Benefits of DIY repair for Window Blinds

There are advantages to being able to repair common issues in your window blinds yourself.

The first is convenience. Assuming that you have the knowledge needed to identify the problem, it should be a simple task to repair the blind and rehang it. The second is saving money, with the only outlay being the cost of the parts.

Another advantage is the time saving. Rather than finding an external repairer, sending the blind to their workshop then waiting for the work to be done, you can have the window secure again in an afternoon.


Of course, there are also disadvantages especially if you are unfamiliar with the workings of window blinds. To do the repair yourself, you could spend hours researching the problem and looking for a solution.

The internet offers “how-to” videos, so there is more time spent familiarising yourself with the repair process. You may need new parts, so further time would be spent sourcing suppliers, checking prices and availability then waiting for them to be delivered.

Temporary Window Treatments

Meanwhile, the blind is not performing its function so the window would need a temporary solution such as hanging up a sheet to block it off. In a bedroom this may not be a problem but in the living areas of the dwelling, where we entertain guests, it would not be very elegant. The window may also need to be kept closed, which may make the room stuffy and uncomfortable, especially in summer.


All of this can be avoided by contacting our team at Blind Concepts. Our blind repair service restores the function and quality of a range of blinds. Typical repairs include replacing slats and slat hangers, resewing slats and replacing chains, cords or wands. Call us to discuss your problem and the type of blind and we will provide you with the best solution and a free quote.

When Is A Mini-Blind Not A Mini-Blind? When It Is Re-Purposed

With the government ban on the use of light-weight plastic bags from retailers due to take effect very soon in Queensland, the reuse and recycle message is back in the forefront of conversation. World-wide, the oceans are choking in plastic and although tonnes of rubbish each year are recycled, tonnes more end up in land-fill or are dumped in our waterways and oceans.

Don’t Discard – Re-purpose

It makes sense, then, to look at other ways we can reuse products that no longer serve a purpose, rather than throwing them out. With a little imagination, many items can be re-purposed. Take mini-blinds, for example, which have been a favourite for many years and have other uses when their window dressing days are done.

This is an approach that we can fully support, as it is the philosophy on which our business is based. At Blind Concepts, we offer blind cleaning and repair services to customers who prefer to get some extra mileage out of their blinds instead of buying new ones. Not only does this make economic sense, but also it reduces the amount of material that is dumped each year.

Recycling Sometimes Takes Imagination

Sometimes, it just takes a little imagination for us to see the potential in recycling, and this is certainly the case with mini-blinds. Use the slats to create permanent identifying markers for your plants. Cut the slats to size, and then use either paint or a permanent ink to write the plant name on the slat, then push it into the soil.

Old Blind Slats a Substitute for Masking Tape

Doing a quick touch-up painting job and finding that you have no masking tape? For small jobs, hold a slat against the wall and paint along its length for a straight, professionally applied swish of paint. Swap for a dry slat when you move to the next section. It’s quick and easy.

Many Craft Uses for Slats

For people who enjoy craftwork, wooden slats are perfect for spreading glue. Whether you are doing a project of your own or helping your children create a holiday scrapbook, you will get an even spread of adhesive with no mess or sticky fingers. For the ultra-creative, bond a circle of slats to the back of a plain, round mirror, trim them to size then paint. You now have a wonderful feature piece for an empty wall.

Keep Slats in Storage for Immediate Use

When you take down your old mini-blinds, pull them apart and store them out of the weather. If you do this immediately, your slats will be on hand for any use that comes up. You will have the convenience of a ready resource and you will find multiple opportunities to use it.

Do-It-Yourself Repair Or Outsource To A Specialist–You Choose

Street appeal is one of the most highly desired attributes a property can possess, according to most real estate agents. First impressions are often the most lasting, and a property that is untidy loses much of its original appeal. It also loses its value, which is a major issue if the property is for sale.

Check your blinds

The same goes for your own property, whether it is an apartment, townhouse, duplex or a free-standing dwelling. The lawn may be freshly mowed, the gardens tended and the fencing in top condition, but if the window blinds are broken and need repairing, the property will not look its best.

This does not mean that all the blinds need replacing, especially if you have some experience with hand tools. Many of the problems can be repaired, and in this era of the internet, the do-it-yourself enthusiast has only to follow some video instructions.

Do your Venetians have a broken slat? Open the blinds and remove the two plugs at the bottom that hold the lift strings. Remove the lift strings only as far as the slat you are repairing. Replace the broken slat and move the bottom of the blind up by one space. Rethread the string and tie it off at the base. Sounds easy!

Have you got a roller blind that won’t stay down? You will need to remove the roller from the bracket, take off the metal cap on the end and use a can of air or a brush to clean and remove the dust and dirt from the ratchet. Lubricate any moving parts with household oil, replace the cap, return the roller to its brackets and check the tension to make sure it is fixed.

Roman blinds, verticals, timber venetians, oriental and Holland blinds as well as blinds made from aluminium, wood composite and lacquered or oiled cedar blinds are the most popular and there will usually be a web site that explains step by step how to fix your type of blind. If, after checking out the relevant instructions, you don’t have the confidence to do it yourself, there is an alternative.

We are Blind Concepts, a Brisbane company that specialises in repairing and refurbishing old and damaged interior blinds. We can clean and repair all these types of blinds, using the latest in cleaning technology. We take the blinds to our workshop, clean and repair them and then return them to you usually within 24 hours. If this sounds easier than the do-it-yourself option, give us a call.

DIY Blind Cleaning Is Not As Easy As You Think

With our cost of living still rising with no end in sight, most Australian households are on a mission to save money and reduce living expenses wherever possible. We have always been a do-it-yourself populace and the current economic situation spurs us on to greater efforts. If a task needs doing, and we have the resources and skills to tackle it ourselves, we are onto it.

Window Blinds Essential in our Climate

Whatever our living situations, in our climate we all have window blinds. Even the “grey nomads” who criss-cross the country to see our natural wonders before they settle into retirement, have blinds on the windows of their mobile homes. They are essential in our climate to control the weather extremes.

Are You a Do-it-Yourself Practitioner?

As we all know, any type of window blind looks great when it is first installed, but before long, it will need cleaning and perhaps some repairs to keep it sparkling. If you are an avid do-it-yourself practitioner, you can give it a try, provided you are not afraid to climb the odd ladder or two.

At Blind Concepts we offer an alternative solution if you are having second thoughts. At our one-stop service shop, we repair and refurbish old and damaged interior blinds. Verticals, roman blinds, oriental, plain or exposed batten, Holland blinds and Venetians can all be renewed with our ultrasonic cleaning technology. However, if you still want to go it alone, we offer you a few tips.

Gentle Wash on the Clothesline an Easy Clean for Venetians

Even with regular dusting, Venetians eventually get to the stage where they need a good wash. The quickest way to do this is to take the blinds down, hang them on the clothesline, wash with a gentle detergent, rinse gently with a garden hose, allow them to dry and then rehang them. Be careful with timber Venetians, however, as excess water will cause them to warp.

Follow Manufacturer’s Care Instructions for Fabric Blinds

Plastic blinds will respond to cleaning with detergent and water, but fabric blinds require caution. You should always check the care instructions before attempting to clean them. Only use the recommended cleaning method for the best results. Make sure they are completely dry before closing them.

Besides DIY, the other task we have become good at is outsourcing. Our hectic work and social calendars don’t leave much time for cleaning the blinds. If it seems like too much hard work and you would rather spend your weekends at the beach or pool, then check out our services and let us do the hard work for you.

Blind Repairs For DIY Enthusiasts

If you are a little handy around the home you may find that you are able to repair minor blind issues yourself.

Blind Concepts are the leaders in blind repairs and replacements. We service Brisbane and its surrounding areas and offer today some ways of conducting minor blind repairs.

Please bear in mind we said if you are handy around the home. Some of these tasks should only be attempted by experienced professionals.

Vertical Blinds

These blinds can look great and the beauty of them is you can colour match with your décor.

Today we are going to address some of the common complaints with this style of blind.

Slats Won’t Rotate Or Are Not In Line With Each Other: There are a couple of reasons why this may happen. They may have been hung onto the rails when the hooks were in the closed position or they have snagged against a window catch or door handle, something resting near the blinds, or each other.

In both these cases you need to turn the chain until you hear a clicking noise, keep gently turning until the clicking stops. You may have to pull the chain both ways and complete this clicking exercise.

Once you have done this you should notice that the hooks all face in the same direction, allowing you the opportunity to rehang your louvres.

Venetian Blinds

These blinds look great when clean and in good repair. They do take a little more care and can be quite painful once they are a little worn. A little love will bring them back to their glory, however.

Cleaning Venetian Slats: There is no easy way around doing this at home. The only way to do this is by using a mild detergent and cleaning every single slat. Don’t try those finger slat cleaners; they look good but do very little.

Alternatively, you can take them down and pop them in the bath for a light scrub, then allow them time to dry.

As this job is so painful why not consider taking advantage of our ultrasonic cleaning service?