How Window Blinds Can Reduce Allergies to Airborne Triggers

When it comes to allergic reactions to airborne triggers, we might imagine that life would be easier if we just lived in our own private bubble of air and did not have to interact with the world outside. This would definitely solve some of our problems, however, we would not have all those wonderful experiences that come with interacting with the world around us, even if it is pretty dusty.

As we have seen recently on the news sites, chemical contaminants can become airborne during emergency situations, which could be a dangerous reality for people who are susceptible to allergic reactions. Additionally, there are other every-day factors which can contribute to allergic reactions. Whether there is an airborne chemical event, or you simply want to reduce your exposure to regular airborne triggers, your household blinds can assist with creating that bubble.

Reduce Dust from Getting Inside

For people who suffer from allergic rhinitis, or seasonal allergies of any kind, every day dust entering through the windows can become a formidable adversary. Installing blinds over windows can greatly reduce the amount of dust that is able to enter into the house, which could assist with having to deal with the triggering of allergies.

Trap Dust in a Barrier

By using this method of trapping the dust at the windows before it is able to enter the house, you are able to create a barrier of sorts which if maintained, could prevent dust from entering into the main house. Regular cleaning of the dust barrier (the blind) will mean that it is able to maintain that role of preventing dust from entering the home, while being a catchment area for the dust to be removed from.

Regulate Temperatures

Another great advantage of blinds in assisting with reducing allergic reactions is by regulating the temperatures. For some people allergies can be made worse by hot or cold weather, however the blind can regulate that temperature while allowing some air through. If a house hold has a particular window that allows direct sunlight through during some periods of the day, this could prove to be an issue affecting those who have allergies that are triggered by hot or cold temperatures.

Made to Measure

Blinds that are made specifically to suit your window size and shape will provide a strong barrier system for the dust to be caught from entering to the rest of the house. At Blind Concepts we provide a cleaning and maintenance service for blinds as well as replacement of broken slats and whole blinds where needed.