Plenty of Choices Available in Window Dressings

Simplicity continues to be the preferred interior design theme for both new builds and renovations. The emphasis is on a few large furniture pieces supported by small accent features to add colour and interest. This approach allows for plenty of options to update window dressings.

What to Choose – Blinds or Curtains?

This raises the issue of whether to use window blinds or curtains or perhaps even both. For some owners, it is simply a matter of personal taste, but for others, it offers the opportunity to use the positive aspects of both options to increase the comfort of the occupier.

Colour, Style and Comfort with Curtains

Modern curtains are a far cry from the dull, heavy dust-collectors of old. The choice of fabrics and colours is endless, and the lightweight options float with elegance on the breezes they allow through an open window. There are also fabrics available that reduce external noise and insulate the rooms against both heat and cold.

Blinds for the Budget Conscious

Today’s blinds are a quick and easy solution to light and privacy issues for any building. With respect to light control, blinds offer the option of covering all of the window at one time, or just a part of the window, depending on how they operate. They are often cheaper to install than curtains, are easy to maintain and are available in a wide range of styles and materials.

We are very familiar with the benefits and versatility of window blinds. Our company, Blind Concepts, will clean and repair your blinds and, if required, replace broken slats and other components. We take your blinds to our workshop, run them through our ultrasonic cleaning process and return them to you, ready to hang, within 24 hours.

Blinds Come in a Range of Styles

We notice, in the course of our work, that Venetian blinds in aluminium, timber or plastic are still popular and fit in well with modern décor. Roller blinds are the perfect, low-cost solution for utility rooms such as the kitchen, laundry and bathroom whilst Holland and Roman blinds add a touch of elegance to the formal areas of a dwelling.

Why Choose? Just Use Both

If you are in the process of installing new window treatments, you may like to consider using both blinds and curtains. Either option looks great alone but if you put them together you get double the wow factor. When paired together, you will have more options for light control and privacy. There is also more flexibility in styling. For example, to make a small window look bigger, fit the blind to the window size and extend the curtain on either side.

The final decision is up to the property owner, but either way, the windows will look great.