Why You Should Ditch Your Cleaning Cloths and Get an Expert

Most householders would agree that they choose their furnishings and accessories to create a comfortable and inviting living space. These are moved around or replaced often to keep the overall look fresh, but this usually does not happen with their window treatments. They are more permanent parts of interior design, so they tend to become background features.

Busy People Don’t Have Time to Clean Blinds

When it becomes obvious that the blinds need cleaning, some people tackle the task themselves. However, others ignore the problem because they are busy with work and other responsibilities and avoid looking at the blinds when they get home. Unfortunately, this only avoids the problem when the solution is to have them professionally cleaned.

Clean Blinds Prevent Illness

Apart from the fresh look of clean blinds, there are several other reasons for handing them over to experts. One of the most important motives is to prevent illness in household members and visitors. Blinds attract dirt and dust, and if they are not cleaned regularly, the pollutants and allergens in the dust are released back into the air. Dust attracts microscopic creatures called dust mites, which multiply quickly and cannot be seen by the human eye.

Dust Mites and Bacteria Love Dirty Blinds

Allergy flare-ups and asthma attacks increase in interiors where dust is allowed to settle and where dust mites breed. This dust, especially in humid conditions, then gets damp and over time, becomes hard grime that settles into any small crevice. Bacteria can develop in this grime and cause illness, especially in people with underlying health conditions.

Dirty Blinds Deteriorate in Quality

There are sound financial reasons to hand blind cleaning over to professionals. Blinds and curtains are an expensive investment, and to get the best return, they should be kept clean. Dirty window treatments not only detract from the value of the home but also deteriorate in quality. This means they need to be replaced more often, costing the homeowner considerable time and expense.

Professional Cleaners Use the Right Products and Methods

Finally, professional cleaners have a wide range of processes, tools, and cleaning products available to them. They know which of these should be used for the many different materials now available in the production of window blinds. It is not unusual for a householder to use the wrong method or cleaner on a window blind, causing expensive and irreversible damage.

Here at Blind Concepts, we have a team of people fully trained and experienced in the use of our ultrasonic cleaning system. This method removes all hard to remove dirt, stains, grease, bacteria, and grime from window blinds, restoring their quality and sparkle. We also offer a repair service for blinds that need a little more attention. Call us for a free quote.