Are Window Blinds Dangerous for Your Cat?

Unlike dogs, who will likely not attempt to look out of windows that are behind blinds, cats are extremely curious, and will want to know what is on the other side. As a result, depending on what sort of blind you have on your windows, there may be a chance that your curious cat will get themselves into trouble. Whether or not the blinds are dangerous for your cat, or the other way around, is another factor to consider.

Due to cats’ ability to go about their business as they please, without regard for anyone or anything that is in their way, often blinds will suffer from their exuberance. There are some types of blinds that are a better choice for cats, so read on for more information about how the different styles of blinds measure up against a cat.

If all else fails and you have already experienced your cat destroying your blinds, Blind Concepts provide a service for cleaning, repairing and replacing broken blinds.

Roller Blinds

Roller blinds might seem like the best choice for any situation as they have a simple design, no hooks or chains and are easy to use, however, unfortunately, they are not the best choice with cats. Without a second thought, a cat will use the fabric on the roller blind to climb up, while chasing insects, or stretching, which will cause holes in the fabric. The type of fabric being used is also important to consider with the issue of cat fur, which will need cleaning regularly.

Vertical Blinds

As you can imagine, horizontal blinds will not work well with cats, as they will likely crash into them when attempting to view something they have seen on the other side. However, vertical blinds allow for the cat to see past the blinds to whatever has piqued their interest on the other side. Cats will naturally be attracted to the swinging of the vertical panels, and could happily spend a lot of time with this activity alone.

The main issue with vertical blinds is that if they have the chains on them, then it is very likely that the cat will either get tangled in them, or break them, so you may need to reattach the chains over and over. With these blinds, there is also the issue of fabric being damaged by the cat.

Venetian Blinds

Like other blinds, the most important factor in the longevity of your venetian blinds is the material. Metal venetian blinds will not last too long with an exuberant cat, as they will likely become bent over time. The other factor would be to do with the cords and whether they are dangling in a cat attractive fashion.

Child-friendly cords can alleviate this problem too. The most hard-wearing material for cats is wooden blinds, and in the venetian blind style they will generally last the best.


Is a Do-It-Yourself Repair the Best Solution for your Blinds?

Rising living costs have many householders looking for cost savings, and those with the skills and knowhow, are turning to DIY home maintenance more readily than ever before. Many tasks around the home are not difficult and don’t necessarily require a trade qualification. The exception is electrical repairs, which should always be done by an electrician.

Common Issues With Blinds

Window blinds are a typical item that wear and require attention to keep them looking and functioning at their best.

The typical issues with Venetian Blinds are broken slats. With vertical blinds, they can become jammed and cannot slide. In roller blinds, the common issue is when they no longer roll up straight.

There are many other things that can go wrong, depending on the style of the blind.

Benefits of DIY repair for Window Blinds

There are advantages to being able to repair common issues in your window blinds yourself.

The first is convenience. Assuming that you have the knowledge needed to identify the problem, it should be a simple task to repair the blind and rehang it. The second is saving money, with the only outlay being the cost of the parts.

Another advantage is the time saving. Rather than finding an external repairer, sending the blind to their workshop then waiting for the work to be done, you can have the window secure again in an afternoon.


Of course, there are also disadvantages especially if you are unfamiliar with the workings of window blinds. To do the repair yourself, you could spend hours researching the problem and looking for a solution.

The internet offers “how-to” videos, so there is more time spent familiarising yourself with the repair process. You may need new parts, so further time would be spent sourcing suppliers, checking prices and availability then waiting for them to be delivered.

Temporary Window Treatments

Meanwhile, the blind is not performing its function so the window would need a temporary solution such as hanging up a sheet to block it off. In a bedroom this may not be a problem but in the living areas of the dwelling, where we entertain guests, it would not be very elegant. The window may also need to be kept closed, which may make the room stuffy and uncomfortable, especially in summer.


All of this can be avoided by contacting our team at Blind Concepts. Our blind repair service restores the function and quality of a range of blinds. Typical repairs include replacing slats and slat hangers, resewing slats and replacing chains, cords or wands. Call us to discuss your problem and the type of blind and we will provide you with the best solution and a free quote.

Quality Repairs To Window Blinds Give Them A Second Life

tools on the floor

Property owners generally spend a lot of money on their window blinds, and although the quality can range from excellent to average, depending on the brand and the price, there are always situations where problems arise with the way the blinds operate. These problems may not present themselves for some years, and some happen with annoying frequency.

Blinds Will Eventually Need Repairs and Maintenance

The problems also vary depending on the style of the blinds, especially those that are popular with the general public. Venetian blinds made from timber, plastic, aluminium, wood-composite and other materials are still in demand, along with verticals, Roman, Holland, Oriental and other blinds. While all these styles will wear well for a time, eventually they will need repairs and maintenance.

Here at Blind Concepts, we specialise in the cleaning, repair and replacement of old and damaged interior blinds. Many of the problems that owners have with their blinds can be repaired, and our ultrasonic cleaning process can also restore them to their original condition, saving our clients the cost of new installations.

Cords and Tapes on Venetian Blinds can be replaced

Venetian blinds have a couple of recurring problems that need solutions. The tilt and turn wand and other mechanical parts can become damaged through constant use and the slats can break or warp. If the cords break or the tapes become shabby, replacement kits are available.

The kits contain full instructions on how to remove and replace the cords or tapes. It is also the perfect opportunity to remove and replace broken or damaged slats.

Problems with Verticals either Simple or Complex – No In-between

Problems with vertical blinds are often simple issues such as the blades getting stuck backwards or becoming crooked; these are easily fixed by checking each blade individually and adjusting where necessary.

Another simple fix is replacing the bottom link chains, which are easily damaged. However, sometimes the problems are more complex. Verticals have many parts, some of them quite small, so more difficult repairs are best left to experts.

Clumsy Repair Attempts on Roman Blinds Can Cause Further Damage

Over time, Roman blinds may wear at the pull cord, and the plastic ring used to manipulate the blinds will break. The repair requires the blind to be removed from the window and laid, fully extended, on a flat surface.

The broken cords or rings are then removed and replaced. While this seems simple enough, again, this is a job for someone experienced as it is very easy to damage the blind further while attempting the repair.

These are just some examples of problems with blinds and suggested solutions. If you have any of these issues with your blinds and you don’t want to try the solutions yourself, contact our team of repair and replacement experts.

Not Sure If Blinds Need Replacing?

Regardless of how well they are made, or how carefully we have maintained them, the time will come when our window blinds need to be replaced. Like a comfortable pair of shoes, however, some home owners keep them in service longer than they should, spoiling the exterior appearance of their home, and exposing their carpets and furnishings to sunlight.

There are plenty of warning signs that your blinds have given their all and need to be retired. These signs will vary depending on the style of window covering you have, so we have assembled a selection for you to check against your existing blinds.

Warped, Damaged or Discoloured Slats

In timber blinds, heat and humidity over many years can cause some or all of the slats to warp. This looks unsightly, makes the blinds very difficult to keep clean and where more than one or two slats are affected, will prevent smooth movement when raising and lowering. Aluminium slats can withstand some rough treatment, but when they become completely bent out of shape, they also need to be replaced.

Even blinds with some level of UV protection will eventually fade if constantly exposed to the sun. However, if your slats have become yellow or discoloured beyond what you would consider normal fading, the materials they are made of have deteriorated to the stage where the structural integrity is compromised. They are now a safety hazard.

Mechanisms Not Working Smoothly

You should not have to use excessive force to raise or lower your blinds. If that is happening regularly, the mechanism controlling the up and down movement could be on the verge of breaking altogether. A sudden jerk to get them moving risks bringing the entire set crashing down, which could cause damage or personal injury. They should be replaced as a matter of urgency.

It is a similar story with the tilt wand. Repeated twisting to manipulate the slats will eventually wear out the tilt mechanism. Check first if it can be repaired easily, but if it is too difficult, again, replace the blinds.

Do Your Fabric Blinds Have Frayed Edges?

The answer to this problem is quite simple. This type of wear happens when the edges scrape along the window frame, which would have been caused by incorrect measurements taken when the blinds were first installed, or the installed blinds are made with a cheaper, low grade budget fabric. The fabric and/or tight fit will continue to fray so it is probably time to get correct measurements and new blinds.

Even though you may have decided by now to buy new blinds, this does not mean that the old ones are only good for landfill. At Blind Concepts we are experts at re-purposing tired blinds by restoring or replacing them. As the saying goes, “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” Call us for a quote and we will find the best solution for you.

Common Problems with Blinds

Broken white window blinds
When it comes to blinds, there is very little maintenance involved. Things can go wrong, however. Cords can deteriorate and break, slats can snap or bend and runners may need to be replaced from time to time.

You can fix some of these issues, but for others, you will need to call in a professional blinds repair company.

Some Common Problems:

Vertical Blinds

You may find that the stem that holds the slats in place is broken. In some cases, this is going to be quite difficult to repair but with newer blinds, this problem has been given some consideration and the stems are usually replaceable nylon ones.

The easiest way to know is by the age of the blinds – any blinds made prior to 2000 will not have replaceable nylon stems. Another way to tell is by looking at the stem itself – if it has yellowed or won’t come out easily, it is not nylon and repairs should be left to the professionals.

If it is nylon, you can have a go at repairing it yourself if you feel confident enough. Do some research first to make sure that you can find the matching stem. If you are unsure, it is best left to professionals – messing up this repair could mean needing a new set of blinds.

A common problem with vertical blinds is that the cords are subjected to a fair amount of wear and tear and they may snap after a while. This is always caused by friction and can be due to the angle at which the cords are being pulled.

Using the wrong angle causes undue friction on the cord or can make it jump the wheels altogether increasing the likelihood of snapping. Should the cord be pulling tightly, check to see if you can ease it back onto the wheel.

Once the cord has snapped, you have to have the track restrung.

Horizontal Blinds

Valances that fall off tend to be a common problem here and this is usually due to the valance clips breaking. A quick fix is to use a strip of Velcro to put the valance back up. The chances of being able to find the right size clip are slim.

If the cords snap here, you could attempt to fix them with a knot. Restringing will generally be more expensive than having a replacement blind put in, so consider this option carefully.

Cellular Blinds

In general, broken cords are the worst problem here. If your cord is on a continuous loop, it is pretty simple to replace if it breaks. Should the cord not be on a continuous loop, you will have to have it restrung. This may work out costly so get a quote first.

By and large, though, blinds are easy to maintain and not very troublesome at all.