Blinds Installation for Christmas

Christmas, as always is a time for togetherness and family – a time spent relaxing around the home with your family. Because it is also in the middle of summer, we want to be able to sit outside with our family and guests and catch a breeze to cool down. If it’s possible for our guests to be able to see into our windows, we don’t want them to see that our bed is not made or something else is not tidy, but sometimes this can’t be avoided as some mums have eagle eyes and no qualms about peering through windows!

Woman Peeking through the window blinds

To avoid a disapproving glare from mummy dearest, fitting some privacy blinds on your windows is a good idea. Should anyone want to know why your blinds are down during the day, simply tell them that you are showing them off. Blinds Installation in Brisbane is simple to arrange – ask for professional advice – you may even be able to install them yourself. There is not too much labour involved as in many cases, a person just needs to mark the target areas to make sure that the blind hangs straight and then drilling the relevant holes. Screw the blinds in and retire to enjoy a fresh, cold beer. Or, if that doesn’t appeal to you, call in a blinds installation specialist.

Just make sure that you get it done quickly – it’s nearly time for that big family get together and mum’s disapproving stare. All joking aside, blinds can provide protection from more than just curious stares. They also provide much needed protection against the sun. We all know just how bad the Aussie sun can be in summer and so you really need to consider ways to protect your home from it. At the end of the day, curtains simply do not provide the same level of cover without being bulky and unwieldy.

things to consider before buying blinds

The main disadvantage of blinds in Brisbane is that they come in such a range of styles and colours that you may have trouble deciding which blinds to get. Before setting out on a shopping trip or trawling the internet, it is wise to consider exactly what you are looking for in terms of blinds. Do you want something that blacks out all light or would you rather have something that is a little more translucent? Do you want fabric blinds, metal blinds or wooden blinds? What colour are you looking for?

Once you have answered all of these questions, it is time to measure your windows. If you have windows that are not a standard shape, you are going to have to consider getting custom blinds. Once you have all this info in hand, the time to look for your blinds has arrived. Enjoy.