Regular Household Cleaning Essential For Good Health

dirty blinds

Regular cleaning of your window blinds, curtains, flyscreens and the window glass itself clears away the grit, grime, dust and pollutants that inevitably invade your space and dull the sparkle that clean windows add to a dwelling. However, did you know that there is another reason for keeping your windows clean that has nothing to do with keeping up appearances?

When is Dust not Dust?

If you haven’t cleaned your window blinds for a few weeks, you will notice a layer of what appears to be dust on them. You might think that this is dirt blown in from outside the dwelling, but in fact, most of the dust in your house is actually shed skin flakes. If that knowledge is not disturbing enough, these dust mites can cause health issues. This is especially true if any of the occupants of the dwelling have asthma, hay fever or other medical conditions that affect the respiratory system.

Pollen, Mould Spores and Pet Dander – Yuk!

Dust mites are most prevalent in humid areas like coastal cities and towns and are a major allergen. While they are also present in the drier inland, this is usually at lower levels, yet still an issue for someone who has a chronic allergy to them. Also present in dust, apart from skin flakes, are pollens, mould spores and if you have pets in the home, pet dander.

Blast the Mites with Sound Waves

While dust mites are almost impossible to eradicate from your home, using our blind cleaning process gives you a head start. When you hand over your blinds to us at Blind Concepts, we use an advanced ultrasonic cleaning method that removes grime and dust using high frequency sound waves. This process sanitises, deodorises and lubricates the blinds, and because the sound waves get into those hard-to-reach areas, the dust mites are blasted out.

Regular Vacuuming Will Reduce their Number

While we are taking care of your blinds, you can move onto the other areas of the dwelling that harbour dust mites. They like dark spaces so common hiding places are in bedding and mattresses, upholstered furniture, long-pile carpets and rugs and soft toys. Regular vacuum-cleaning of these and other areas of the home will reduce the number of dust mites, but it will never completely get rid of them.

Other Changes to Make to Reduce Symptoms

For those with asthma and allergies, it is important for their comfort and general health to make some other changes to reduce their symptoms. Avoid upholstered furniture and heavy curtains, and if possible, replace carpets with timber or vinyl flooring. These are just a couple of the suggested changes; using us to clean your blinds will take the hard work out of banishing those pesky dust mites.