Repairing your Blinds

Screwdriver placed beside the screw
We all love a New Year with its promise of a fresh start and new beginnings. It is the ideal time to start freshening up your home completely. It’s a great time to apply a lick of paint and smarten up any old blinds.

The unfortunate part is that January does come straight on the heels of Christmas so money may not be flowing as much as you would like. You’ve got to look for ways to save a bit of cash on decor without compromising the quality of the result.

Blind Concepts to the Rescue

If your blinds are looking a little shabby or have broken slats, let Blind Concepts give you a quote on repairing rather than replacing them.

The Advantages of Repairing Blinds

Aside from the obvious savings when it comes to repairing rather than replacing blinds, there are also some great decor advantages as well. Maybe your current blinds are perfect for your decor – finding the perfect replacement may be tough.

You can also choose to change the colour of the slats of the whole blind in order to give your room a quick and easy facelift.

You might even consider replacing the slats with those of a completely different material to bring the look more up-to-date – it’s a great decor tool.

Go Green

It is also a far greener option – instead of creating more rubbish for the landfill by throwing away the whole set of blinds, only the damaged portion is discarded.

It is important to consider the planet when redecorating and this is one way that will not actually cost you more.

7 Types of Blinds that can be Repaired

There are a number of different types of blinds that can be repaired and these include:

1) Vertical Blinds

2) Roman Blinds

3) Timber Blinds

4) Holland Blinds

5) Oriental, plain, or exposed batten

6) Woodweave blinds

7) Venetian blinds

Blind replacement makes sense from a financial, ecological, and aesthetic viewpoint so it is definitely the way to go in the future.

Getting the Blinds Replaced

This is simply a quick phone call away. Someone will come out and have a look at the blinds in question to give you advice on what can be done and to give you a no-obligation quote. The service is available to businesses and private people as well.

So if you are in Ipswich, the Brisbane area, Logan, or the Northern suburbs, go to for more info on how to revamp your blinds and start your New Year off with a fresh look.