DIY Cleaning for Different Blind Types


Have you searched the internet recently to find the latest, easy, do-it-yourself method of cleaning your blinds? Did you give up the search, totally confused, after reading articles and watching videos of dozens of different ways to get your blinds cleaned, when all you really wanted was a quick, simple and effective tip that suited your purpose?

Confused by Too Much Cleaning Information?

Many of our clients at Blind Concepts have had the same experience and we know this because they relate these experiences to our technicians when they pick up the blinds from their homes. We specialise in cleaning, repair and replacement of a range of different styles of blinds and provide free quotes on request.

However, we also know that many people do tasks themselves for personal satisfaction and this is just as important as a job well done. For these avid, diehard DIY blind cleaners, we have a couple of methods here that may be better than the ones you are using.

Old Technique for Venetians Still Works Today

Venetian blinds can be difficult depending on whether they are made from aluminium, timber or wood-composite, lacquered or oiled cedar. An old but still reliable method of getting them clean is to slide a sock over each arm of a pair of tongs, then keep them secure with rubber bands. Then, just clamp the tongs onto each slat, slide them along and repeat until every slat is done. For extra dirt and grime, use damp socks to pick up more dirt.

Easy Cleaning Method for Roller Blinds

Classic roller blinds never go out of style but are often neglected, with dirt and grime not really noticed until they are fully extended. Both fabric and plastic roller blinds are easy to clean with just a cloth and a bucket of warm, soapy water. Start at the bottom and wipe the blind surface over in sections, working gradually upward until the whole blind is clean. Leave it fully extended to dry out, and then roll it up as usual.

Fabric Blinds Need Some TLC

Fabric blinds such as Roman or Oriental need more care than synthetics, so always start with vacuuming to remove any dust before washing. Then, take them down and wash them carefully, both sides, with warm, soapy water on a sponge. The bathtub is the most convenient place with all the space needed to accommodate even the widest blinds. Rinse them with clean water and let them air dry.

Call in the Experts if it Seems Too Hard

For all our satisfied clients, the closest they get to do-it-yourself blind cleaning is to punch our number into their phones and arrange for us to pick up their dirty blinds. Twenty-four hours later, their spotlessly clean blinds are ready to re-hang on their windows.

How to Clean and Maintain Wooden Blinds

Dining room with utensils, glasses and bowls and wooden blinds in the background

Most of us like our home to be a place where we can relax and be ourselves at the end of a busy day. When we step over the threshold we want to feel comfortable, and a big part of that is living in a clean and tidy environment. While most times a routine cleanup will get everything spic and span, at some point, window dressings such as curtains and blinds will need a more thorough cleaning.

Use Care When Cleaning Genuine Wooden Blinds

If you have genuine wooden blinds, there are a couple of things we recommend you take into consideration before subjecting them to a vigorous cleaning technique. Even though these blinds are made of wood, they are not robust, and can be easily damaged. They should not be dipped in a bath of soapy water like plastic blinds, as the timber absorbs the water, then swells and cracks.

We consider ourselves to be experienced at cleaning all types of blinds. Here at Blind Concepts, we offer a blind cleaning service to customers who would rather outsource this task to professionals. However, if you are careful, you can do them yourself. To help you out, here are a few suggestions.

The Vacuum Cleaner is the First Step

First, close the blinds up and gently go over one side and then the other with the soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner. This should remove most of the surface dust, especially if you have been regularly dusting them as part of your weekly cleaning routine.

Clean Each Individual Slat as the Second Step

Second, open the slats and with a damp cloth, gently wipe each individual blade. A quick way to do this is to put a damp sock on your hand, carefully hold the slat between thumb and forefinger and run your hand along its length. Do this with each slat in sequence and you are cleaning both the front and back at the same time.

Final Step is a Wipe Down with a Dry Cloth

Follow this up with a wipe down with either a dry cloth or a dry sock, using the same technique. This is important because it will remove any remaining moisture that if left, can damage the wood over time. A good rule is to treat your wooden blinds just like wooden furniture and use only mild wood cleaners. Always check that your cleaners do not contain bleach, as this will cause discolouration.

There is Always a Professional Alternative

If your wooden blinds need cleaning and you prefer a professional touch, we will pick them up, put them through our cleaning process and return them to your home ready to hang, usually within twenty-four hours. Our ultrasonic cleaning technology uses high frequency sound waves to remove dirt and grime gently, even from those tiny hard to get at places. Your blinds will look like new and they will last much longer.

Find The Right Solution For Your Problem Blinds

Blinds are a convenient, versatile and attractive alternative to curtains or shutters as a window dressing. They are available in a range of styles, materials, sizes and shapes, allow the occupants to control light and shade easily, are easy to install and for the most part, easy to keep clean. However, blinds are not completely without problems.

Slatted Blinds that are Stuck at the Top

Slatted blinds, for example, come in timber, plastic, aluminium and other composite materials and one problem that they all have in common is sometimes, they get stuck at the top of the window. The cause is usually that the cord used to raise and lower the blinds gets caught in the mechanism.

Usually this is a relatively easy fix. The first thing to try is to grab the cord, draw it upward until it is level with the bar at the top, then give it a gentle tug to release the lock. If this does not help, a little more work is needed. Take the blind down, find the lock mechanism and with a flat head screwdriver, push against the pin that is inside. This should free the lock and allow you to replace the blinds.

Getting a Roller Blind Chain Back on its Tracks

Roller blinds were once the “poor relation” of the window treatment world and relegated to bathrooms and children’s bedrooms. They have had a renaissance in recent years and now come in elegant fabrics, lovely colours and hold their own in any setting. A common problem, however, is that sometimes, the roller blind chain comes off its tracks and it doesn’t operate correctly.

The first thing to do is to take the roller blind off the bracket, then hook the chain back onto the tracks. Once you have inserted the cap back into the roller tube, simply hook the blind back up onto the bracket.

Freeing Up Vertical Blind Blades

One of the features of vertical blinds is their ability to be quickly rotated into position. When this no longer happens, there is usually something stuck in the slots where the blades are connected to the carrier stem, which can be manually removed. If the rod itself is jammed, a quick spurt with a lubricant spray in the spot where it connects to the blinds will usually free up the blade.

Repair Solutions Not New to Us

These types of repair solutions are nothing new to us. Here at Blind Concepts, we clean and repair old and damaged interior blinds. We know how expensive these blinds were originally, and when we extend their life for several more years at a fraction of this cost, our clients are happy with their fresh new blinds and with our service.

Let Science Help You Get Your Blinds Cleaned

Getting the right blinds for your windows puts the final touches to your home, whether it be an apartment, a duplex, a semi-detached or a free-standing property. They provide privacy, climate control and, of course, style and they are usually a reflection of the decorating taste of the occupants. There is a wide range of types available from Holland blinds to Venetians, Roman blinds, verticals and others in fabric, timber, plastic and aluminium.

Dust Soon Settles on New Blinds

Like everything else in a home, they look great when they are new, but it only takes a few weeks for the first layers of dust to settle. Depending on the type of material, running a vacuum cleaner over them every week keeps them looking new for a while, but after a couple of years, unless a more intensive cleaning regime is followed, they begin to look shabby and dirty.

Blinds are expensive to replace, so at Blind Concepts we offer a cleaning service that rejuvenates and refreshes your blinds, so they look as good as new. We use a process called the ultrasonic cleaning method, which gently removes ingrained dirt and grime, especially from hard to reach places. We pick up your blinds, take them to our workshop, put them through this process and return them to your home within 24 hours.

The Science of Ultrasonic Cleaning

So, what is ultrasonic cleaning and why does it work so well? There is some solid science behind the process, starting with high frequency sound waves. These sound waves are generated by electrical wave generators and transducers transmitted in a liquid solution of water or solvent base. This causes the cavitation of the solution molecules.

Cavitation? Please Explain

What is cavitation? Put simply, it is implosion of each molecule as the high frequency pressure wave moves through the solution. The movement caused by this very high frequency over a small area creates a lot of surface agitation or micro-scrubbing.

Micro-scrubbing is not really Scrubbing

What this micro-scrubbing does for grime-coated blinds is that it lifts this grime in a very uniform fashion from every surface affected by the high frequency sound waves. It actually “floats” the dirt and grime particles out of every nook and cranny, leaving your blinds fresh, clean and sanitised, without any harsh scrubbing that could damage the surfaces.

Taking Care of the Environment

We are proud of the results we get from what is an environmentally responsible process. Ultrasonic cleaning uses little water, minimal chemicals and a small amount of bio-degradable detergent. It is a practical and efficient way of cleaning large areas of blinds without wasting water or flushing damaging chemicals into our river systems.

Dangers To Children Are Often In The Home

Most householders do their best to keep the environment around them reasonably clean and tidy, both inside and outside. After all, no one wants to live in a rubbish tip, with all the inherent health hazards that would involve. What we often forget, however, is that not all dirt, rubbish and grime is immediately visible.

What We Don’t Notice Often Causes Problems Later

We do the floors, change the bed linen, clean the stove and perform a dozen other regular tasks, and with a quick glance, we are satisfied that our homes are clean. However, we don’t notice the dust particles drifting through the air until they have settled into a visible layer on the surfaces that don’t attract regular cleaning, such as window dressings and blinds.

Dirt is Unhealthy, Especially for Children

What many people don’t realise is that any type of dirt in our living quarters is not only unsightly; it is a significant health hazard, especially to babies and young children. Where blinds are concerned, dust and other allergens such as pollen attach themselves to all types of blinds, whether venetians, verticals, roman, oriental or roller blinds.

We are specialists at Blind Concepts, cleaning blinds using our ultrasonic technology. We bring the blinds to our workshop for cleaning, and then return them to you when they are finished. If your blinds need cleaning, there is not just an aesthetic reason for contacting us but a health reason as well.

Young Immune Systems Still Developing

Babies and very young children are still in the process of developing a fully-functioning immune system, so they are more susceptible to the respiratory conditions and allergic reactions that are worsened by dust and pollen. Another culprit that can be mistaken for dirt is mould, and this is even more dangerous.

Mould on Blinds is Easy to Miss

Mould is sometimes not obvious as such, as it does not always look fuzzy. It can be present on walls or blinds as a type of stain, a smudge or just a discolouration. It could be one of those nondescript marks that a householder might notice and dismiss as something to be cleaned off during the next major cleaning cycle. In a young child’s bedroom, it could silently grow and cause nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing and make any pre-existing respiratory condition worse.

Cleaning Process Needs to Also Remove Bacteria

In cases where the blinds have not been cleaned for some years, it is difficult for a householder to get them completely clean. Our process not only cleans; it also sanitises and deodorises the blinds, removing not only dirt and grime, but also any bacteria living there. Getting your blinds professionally cleaned is a small price to pay to protect the health of all your family members, especially the youngest ones.

DIY Blind Cleaning Is Not As Easy As You Think

With our cost of living still rising with no end in sight, most Australian households are on a mission to save money and reduce living expenses wherever possible. We have always been a do-it-yourself populace and the current economic situation spurs us on to greater efforts. If a task needs doing, and we have the resources and skills to tackle it ourselves, we are onto it.

Window Blinds Essential in our Climate

Whatever our living situations, in our climate we all have window blinds. Even the “grey nomads” who criss-cross the country to see our natural wonders before they settle into retirement, have blinds on the windows of their mobile homes. They are essential in our climate to control the weather extremes.

Are You a Do-it-Yourself Practitioner?

As we all know, any type of window blind looks great when it is first installed, but before long, it will need cleaning and perhaps some repairs to keep it sparkling. If you are an avid do-it-yourself practitioner, you can give it a try, provided you are not afraid to climb the odd ladder or two.

At Blind Concepts we offer an alternative solution if you are having second thoughts. At our one-stop service shop, we repair and refurbish old and damaged interior blinds. Verticals, roman blinds, oriental, plain or exposed batten, Holland blinds and Venetians can all be renewed with our ultrasonic cleaning technology. However, if you still want to go it alone, we offer you a few tips.

Gentle Wash on the Clothesline an Easy Clean for Venetians

Even with regular dusting, Venetians eventually get to the stage where they need a good wash. The quickest way to do this is to take the blinds down, hang them on the clothesline, wash with a gentle detergent, rinse gently with a garden hose, allow them to dry and then rehang them. Be careful with timber Venetians, however, as excess water will cause them to warp.

Follow Manufacturer’s Care Instructions for Fabric Blinds

Plastic blinds will respond to cleaning with detergent and water, but fabric blinds require caution. You should always check the care instructions before attempting to clean them. Only use the recommended cleaning method for the best results. Make sure they are completely dry before closing them.

Besides DIY, the other task we have become good at is outsourcing. Our hectic work and social calendars don’t leave much time for cleaning the blinds. If it seems like too much hard work and you would rather spend your weekends at the beach or pool, then check out our services and let us do the hard work for you.

The Choices We Make Now Will Shape The Future

As a society, we are all struggling with the choices we make as consumers and the way those choices impact on the environment. We know that our natural resources are being depleted and we are looking for sustainable alternatives to reduce our carbon footprint. From small beginnings, sustainability has grown to become an important contribution to countering the effects of climate change.

Lots of Choices Available in Sustainable Products

Choosing sustainable products is becoming easier as more and more alternatives become available. For example, window coverings are an area where eco-friendly materials are now offered as a viable alternative to traditional materials. Blinds and curtains protect structures from the elements, reducing the amount of energy needed for heating and cooling. When these blinds and curtains are made from eco-friendly materials, the environment wins twice.

Our Process Reduces Waste

At Blind Concepts, our business is based on getting the most out of your window coverings by cleaning and repairing them, so they look like new. Blinds that have been through our process look so good that any thought of throwing them out and buying new ones disappears. We have an excellent record of preventing unnecessary waste, and our cleaning process uses very little water or detergents.

Eco-friendly Materials Look Great on Windows

There are several materials now being used by manufacturers that are kind to the environment and look sensational on your windows. Hemp, recycled paper, bamboo, timber from sustainable plantations and natural fibres such as organic cotton are all being used to make blinds.

Roller Blinds a Perfect Choice for Sustainable Fabrics

The uncomplicated design of roller blinds is a perfect example of how a fabric made from hemp or bamboo or even recycled paper can be made into a product that would grace any window. With the advanced manufacturing techniques now available, such fabrics are indistinguishable from traditional types.

Ancient Bamboo Still in Favour

Bamboo blinds have been traced back to Ancient Eastern cultures, with these early peoples using whatever natural resources were available to them, in the absence of an organised manufacturing industry. Bamboo is still being used today to make blinds, although these most likely are finished with a level of precision and quality that would not have been available to the ancients.

Ultra-Cleaning Process Gentle on Eco-friendly Materials

Our repair and cleaning process is already being used with great success on timber blinds. Because ultra-sonic cleaning uses little water, with most of the work being done by high frequency sound waves, it is proof that eco-friendly blind materials can withstand cleaning. This is an important point to make when marketing these materials, as people may think that eco-friendly means fragile.

Next time you are shopping for blinds, ask about eco-friendly materials and do the environment a huge favour.

New Technologies Make Blind Cleaning A Breeze

It seems that everyone is super busy these days, working, looking after family, volunteering in community organisations, pursuing leisure activities and trying at the same time to keep their homes clean and tidy. Cleaning the window blinds is just one of many tasks that home occupiers once did themselves, but, with time being such a precious commodity, they are now looking for outside help to get things done.

Want Your Blinds to Last? Regular Cleaning is the Answer

It has been proven that regular cleaning prolongs the life of blinds considerably, but with all the different types of materials now being used in blind manufacture, it is important for home owners to get the right type of cleaning product. People these days are almost more environmentally aware than previous generations, and they are reluctant to use cleaning products that will end up in our rivers and oceans, and impact on our wildlife.

Blind cleaning is a large part of our business, and based on our many years of experience at cleaning and renewing blinds, and positive feedback from our customers, we know we are on a winner with ultrasonic cleaning technology. Blind Concepts uses this method for all blind cleaning, because we know it is effective and environmentally responsible.

Sound Waves and Energy Bubbles – Cleaning Magic

Ultrasonic cleaning technology uses high frequency sound waves in conjunction with water-based cleaning solution to lift dirt from every part of the blinds. These sound waves generate millions of tiny energy bubbles, and when they implode, they remove every trace of grease, grime, dirt, insect residue and anything else that has found its way onto your precious blinds.

No Scratching – No Damage

There is no hard scrubbing that can damage the surface, and the bubbles are so small that they find their way into even the smallest space, lifting away dirt that previously was almost impossible to access. New blinds that are cleaned right from the start, using this method, will never be subjected to brushes that can scratch and damage, but this method is just as effective on older blinds.

Kind to the Environment

The water-based solution we use has a tiny amount of bio-degradable detergent added that is so gentle, it is suitable for the most delicate parts of the blind, including the cords. We also don’t need to use a lot of water with ultrasonic cleaning, so we are not only keeping our waterways clean, but also conserving one of our country’s most precious resources.

We return your blinds within 24 hours, clean, sanitised, deodorised and lubricated, ready for re-hanging. Even old and worn-looking blinds will look so good, you will forget about replacing them, saving you buckets of money, and that is the best part.

Keep Your Blinds Clean to Extend Their Life

We have seen many changes over the years to home decorator features, but the window blind has outlasted the fads and fashions. Apart from a few changes brought on by improved technology, the basic design of each different type of blind remains unchanged. Venetians, verticals, Holland blinds, wood composite and other types of blinds are relatively unchanged and still providing privacy and protection from the weather.

The Vacuum Cleaner Makes Things Easy

However, window blinds gather dust over time and require a regular dusting regime. The vacuum cleaner is the first line of defence and should be used weekly on your blinds. Using the brush attachment, start at the top and work down, moving the cleaner over the whole blind. This removes the surface dust and reduces the amount of effort needed to get the blinds completely clean.

Horizontal and Vertical Blinds

When the times comes for a more thorough clean, there are no trick techniques, but some blinds require more work than others need. For horizontal and vertical blinds, wash them over using a microfibre cloth and some warm, soapy water. There is no need to take them off the window if you are careful. Open the window when you are finished and let them air dry.

Fabric Blinds Need Some TLC

Fabric blinds need a little more care and attention, especially if regular vacuum cleaning has been neglected. Wash both sides with warm soapy water using a sponge, rinse with clean water and wipe over with a clean towel to remove the excess. If they are badly discoloured, you may need to take them down from the window to do this, but if you can clean them in situ, again, open the window and let them air dry.

Blinds with Wooden Slats

Even though these types of blinds may have been vacuumed regularly, they eventually trap dirt in hard to reach places. First remove as much of this accumulated dirt as possible using a dry cloth by wiping the top and bottom of each individual slat. Stubborn areas will need scrubbing with a wet cloth, followed by drying off with a clean, dry cloth. This is important as leaving water on the slats may make them warp.

An Easier Alternative

If this is too time-consuming or difficult, we can offer an alternative. At Blind Concepts, we have a blind cleaning service using the latest ultrasonic cleaning technology. This uses high frequency sound waves as an alternative to hard scrubbing that can damage the blinds. We take your blinds to our workshop to clean them, and return them ready to hang.

Keeping your blinds looking new and fresh is a much cheaper option than replacing them. Regular cleaning will extend their life and your windows will look sensational.

How to Protect Your Airways While Dusting Your Blinds

If you are a sufferer of hay fever and asthma, keeping the home free of dust is essential to your overall health and comfort. There are various triggers that can start a bout of either condition such as exposure to some pollen and other allergens. However, you probably know that household dust mites are one of the most common causes.

Careless Dusting Technique Contributes to Hay Fever Symptoms

This makes cleaning an unpleasant task, especially if you are careless about your dusting technique. Dust cloths and feather dusters are notorious for flicking dust particles into the air where they are inhaled by everyone in the house. These particles also cling to curtains, blinds and other household furnishings, keeping the hay fever sufferer in a never-ending cycle of sneezing, itching eyes, runny nose and tickling in the back of the throat.

Is There an Alternative?

We have another alternative to these traditional cleaning methods when it comes time to clean your window blinds. Not only will there be no dust floating around the furnishings, but also you will not have to raise a finger to get your blinds cleaned. We will pick up your blinds from your home, put them through our process at the Blind Concepts workshop and return them to your home within 24 hours, ready for re-hanging.

Ultrasonic Cleaning – Just a Little Water and Sound Waves

Our process is called ultrasonic cleaning, and it works by using high frequency sound waves that produce millions of tiny imploding energy bubbles. These bubbles remove all the dirt, grime and grease that have become embedded in the blinds over time. There is no harsh scrubbing that can damage the surface of your blinds, and the bubbles get into every nook and cranny that brushes often don’t reach.

A Friend of the Environment

This process is also environmentally friendly. It uses a water-based solution that is safe and gentle to use and only the tiniest amount of bio-degradable detergent is needed. During the cleaning process, the blinds are also sanitised, deodorised and lubricated, restoring them to an almost-new look at a fraction of the cost of replacing them.

Spotless Windows – Blinds Look Brand New

While your blinds are away being cleaned, take the opportunity to clean the windows and wipe away any built-up grime or dust on the window sills and frames. If you have curtains on these windows as well as blinds, make it a clean sweep by taking them down and wash them yourself or have them dry-cleaned.

Say Goodbye to Irritating Symptoms

When we return your blinds to be hung at your now spotless windows, you will have the whole job completed and the dirt and dust will have disappeared. You will appreciate not only the pristine look of your window coverings but also being free of those irritating symptoms of hay fever.